One of these heists included the heist of the Eyes of the Falmer, which required a deep understanding of the Falmer, their language, and their writing system. Even with the Guild being in a Golden Age, the Guildmaster Gallus Desidenius was slowly and carefully organizing and planning long-term heists which included heists on museums, art galleries, stores, and government treasuries in an effort to continue and strengthen the Guild's presence in Skyrim. The Thieves Guild was very powerful and dominant and was feared and respected by most of Skyrim. Their headquarters was a palace, in which they had their own blacksmith, alchemist, traders, fences, and many associates throughout Skyrim. In 4E 176, which is twenty-five years before 4E 201, when the quests of the Thieves Guild in Skyrim take place, the Thieves Guild was in a golden age.

The guild has some close association with the Dark Brotherhood which becomes apparent in " The Silence Has Been Broken" quest for the Dark Brotherhood, in which the Dragonborn must bring an amulet given by Amaund Motierre to Delvin Mallory, a member of the Thieves Guild. However, the Thieves Guild has become well known and, in fact, well renowned for their thievery and exploitation. The guild was previously believed to be completely fictional in Oblivion, if asked about the guild, guards would simply state that there was no such thing. As the Fourth Era continued, the Thieves Guild slipped further and further into obscurity and the members and regular clients began to leave (with the exception of Maven Black-Briar). Little is known about when and how the Thieves Guild of Skyrim was founded, but it is rumored to have been around as long as Riften has. The Ragged Flagon - Cistern, home of the Thieves Guild Origins

The guild has a strong hold in politics and law enforcement due to their ability to bribe, intimidate and extort the officials and guards of any hold by exploiting their greed or by threatening to reveal embarrassing and potentially damning secrets to the public. The guild has an uncanny luck due to certain members striking up a deal with the Daedric Prince, Nocturnal, to serve as guardians to her temple. Maven Black-Briar, the affluent and unscrupulous owner of the popular Black-Briar Meadery, consorts with the guild in exchange for their financial aid and protection. Most citizens view them unfavorably Mjoll the Lioness has made it her duty to maintain order in Riften and pledges to dismantle the guild. Members of the guild specialize in stealing objects of varying value or loaning septims to potential entrepreneurs or to help someone pay off their debts, in hopes of a payback. Based in Skyrim and headquartered in The Ratway beneath the city of Riften, members of the Thieves Guild are renowned for causing trouble in the city and are held largely responsible for the corruption of the city's markets.