Star wars fallen republic
Star wars fallen republic

star wars fallen republic

All the new content released under the LucasFilm/Disney name would be Canon however SWtoR was part of both the pre and the Disney era period this making it's new content canon. Swtor is a little different, when Disney bought LucasFilm and all its assets the video game rights went to EA, BioWare being a EA sub had no problem with that. SWtOR has a special place within the Star Wars Canon (Canon being the things that did happen in the Galaxy, non-canon being the things that are completely made-up and there is the Legends stories the things that may or may not have happened) Swtor is classified as Legends making it so that it hasn't been proved if it has happened, however all things that came from the Expanded Universe (EU) are now legends and they will likely not be re-introduced into the canon only small bits. Instead of releasing two expansion every year, one being game play related the other Story Content they can now release new content each and every month or so. The new Episodic way of releasing content is a step in the right direction, they can now release new content in a much shorter time period.

star wars fallen republic

KOtFE brings back that BioWare story driven game play back like in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003) (KotOR short) The Story is great, it's Star Wars, its BioWare it has it all. With Revan gone and the Emperor freed not only the Republic or Empire at stake but the entire Galaxy both factions work somewhat together to stop this common foe. With all new features like Starfighter combat, PvP matches, Flashpoint, Operations and Stronghols (own player or guild housing) Kotfe is a more story based expansion set 5 years after the last expansion, Shadow of Revan. With KOtFE being the fifth expansion there have also been a lot of patches. But a lost has changed in the past 3/4 years. SWtOR had a troublesome post launch issues and a lack of certain content and bugs.

Star wars fallen republic