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Despite the fact that this site does not see updates as frequently as it has in the past (partly because I'm no longer a college student with the spare time, partly because the site in its current state is so comprehensive), I still maintain contact with other Tactics Ogre fans via e-mail and the. I am also on - feel free to use my e-mail address to look me up! If you wish to connect on those sites, it would be particularly helpful if you included a brief message to the effect of 'Tactics Ogre' with your friend request (otherwise, I'll likely ask you if you're a fan of my work). Please let me know if you find other issues on the website, and I'll try to address them in a more timely manner! As always, and are operational - I check them and respond to inquiries regularly! In addition, I fixed a broken link to a PAR code spreadsheet in the. The biggest news to report in this update is that there is now an English Tactics Ogre ROM available for download. Recent Updates January 12, 2011: Howdy, how's everyone doing? Go figure that as time goes on, my life would become busier and busier to the point where it would take me months to post a simple update! Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together Chris: In case you're wondering, yes this is 'that one Princeton guy's site.' Many thanks to Austin and Landon, the owners of, for providing a home for this site! Etv Chandramukhi Serial Actors Names.